差在是否能夠一邊拍美照、一邊接廣告,將滾雪球般的名氣轉換為買氣。KOL(Key opinion leader, a.k.a.關鍵意見領袖)每則發文都可以是一項商業性質的沙盤推演,限時動態角落出現一條圍巾或熱咖啡,隔天立刻成為秒殺熱賣款,即便當時氣溫高達攝氏30度。
Wazaiii編輯一直是越南最強時尚KOL─Linh Đặng Khánh Nguyễn的小粉絲,濃密眉型、水潤大眼,擁有能駕馭任何衣服的纖瘦身材、一開口彷彿能點亮暗室的她,外表看來一切完美,殊不知,Linh竟曾遭遇過嚴重的自我認同危機?面對來自世界各地的酸言酸語、惡意抨擊,她如何咀嚼消化、化作不斷突破的動力?螢幕上看不到的「5個時尚KOL真心話」,沒那麼漂亮動聽,卻字字真誠動人,一起看下去。
(文末附上英文訪談內容/ English version of this interview is down below.)
我是以「型錄模特」的身分敲開了第一塊入門磚,那時候越南的時尚產業才剛起步,我根本沒辦法想像自己可以闖出什麼名堂。其實我從小就非常熱愛時尚,我記得我的第一個夢想是成為一名服裝設計師,不過後來因為大學念了商科而作罷,會走到現在好像小有成就的這一步,是在後來參加了越南版《The Face》,才正式開啟了許多扇時尚大門。(沒聽過《The Face》的讀者可以去找來看看,黑珍珠娜歐米「主導」的美國版也相當精彩。)
因為參加了選秀節目《The Face Vietnam》,我獲得了許多關注,對於突如其來的曝光量,我曾感到彆扭、不習慣、甚至極為赤裸,且當我吸引了許多追蹤者,批評我的人也勢必跟著增加,而且相信我,這些人的批判和惡意評論從來就沒停過也沒少過。
我從未替自己留下任何Plan B,我整顆心都屬於時尚,我不斷的學習、成長,不害怕改變和新的挑戰,當我越是努力工作,我就越是有活力,當一個人對於一件事充滿熱忱,其實什麼累不累、辛不辛苦,一點也不重要。
如果你認為網紅是一群活在粉色城堡裡自拍的公主,希望Linh Đặng Khánh Nguyễn有成功動搖了你的執念。
(English Version)
Coming from Vietnam, what are the biggest advantages and disadvantages for you to fit in the global fashion industry?
I find the Vietnamese fashion industry is in its early stages of growth so if you’ve got what it takes, the dedication and work ethics then you will get the recognition that you deserve.
As for disadvantages, also because the industry here is just starting to grow, models and influencers haven’t had enough opportunities to work with a lot of global brands.
What’s the turning point that officially brought you into fashion? Have you dreamed of being who you are since little?
I started out as a lookbook model. At the time, the fashion industry in Vietnam was at its infant stage so I couldn’t imagine myself making a career out of it. When I was little, I’ve always loved fashion and dreamed of becoming a designer.
Though my education didn’t take me down that path—I was going into finance—my debut on The Face Vietnam totally opened up a lot of doors for me.
Please share with us your secret of taking gorgeous pictures effortlessly while we are all aware that you live a hustling life everyday.
My photos are taken on both DSLRs and phones. I retouch and edit most of them myself via mobile apps. My goal is to turn out viva but natural looking photos.
I don’t have professional trainings or favorite filters for them. I’d say it’s been a lot of trials and errors so practice makes perfect.
We’ve noticed that you are extremely active on Youtube and making lively Vlogs to reach out to your followers. What’s the difference between perfecting a photos on instagram and making people to like you in Videos?
There’s a vast difference between producing photos and videos. You can edit photos to your heart’s content and turn anything into reality while with videos we have limited options.
Therein lies the beauty of vlogging because viewers can see the real you, your experience and personality. So in a way I can get closer to my audience and they have a better view of my life.
Have you suffered from identity crisis or self-esteem issues since you are constantly surrounded by compliments from people you barely know?
Yes. I got a lot of attention from The Face Vietnam. Since it’s a reality show, you feel raw and exposed to a lot of people. While I gained many supporters, there were only a lot of anti-fans that didn’t hold back their criticism and hurtful comments.
I used to let that get the best of me and become closed-off to the world around me. However I’ve come to realized that it’s impossible to please everyone. There are people that love you and there will be people that don’t. The best thing to do is to be you, not just for yourself but for your fans because the true fans will stay and the rest will come and go.
Some internet celebrities find it hard and hurtful to swallow the hating comments on social media, how do you confront those messages that keep on attacking you?
I ignore them. I choose to focus my attention on the positive aspects of life. That’s how I preserve my energy for what truly matters.
Being a Key Opinion Leader with regard to not only fashion, but beauty and entertainment territory worldwide, what’s the feelings of having the power that affect fans that follow you?
It’s amazing to have a platform to inspire and share what I’ve learned as I grow and find my spot in the beauty and entertainment industry.
Currently I’ve started vlogging as a way to communicate with my fans better, but it’s mostly in Vietnamese so goal is to have more English content in the future for my global followers.
Have you prepared plan B for the sake of your lifelong fashion journey? What if you are exhausted about the overly dense exposure someday?
I haven’t. I’m following my journey in fashion wholeheartedly. I’m constantly learning to grow and adapt to changes and new demands on the industry.
The more I work and learn, I feel more energized and inspired. It’s hard to feel exhausted when you find so much excitement ahead of you.
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