雙語讀時尚 「黑寡婦」史嘉蕾喬韓森的妝髮進化史

在好萊塢電影中,史嘉蕾喬韓森Scarlett Johansson的經典造型經常是金髮尤物的扮相,不過這位《復仇者聯盟》中的超級女英雄,從沒吝嗇在出席紅毯時嘗試更多造型。 Scarlett Johansson’s classic Hollywood style often sees her typecast on-screen as the blonde bombshell, but when it comes to her red carpet beauty looks, the Avengers shero isn’t afraid to experiment.

先從她的髮型來說,史嘉蕾喬韓森Scarlett Johansson本身的自然髮色是「深棕色」,她嘗試過各種不同長度與髮色,從耀眼的俐落剪裁短髮,到她為人所熟知的鬆軟波浪金髮...。Let’s start with the hair. Naturally ‘brunette’ , Scarlett Johansson has tried every length, and colour too – from short, spiky highlights to the soft blonde curls she has become known for.

Her go-to look of late? A slicked-back blonde quiff with a textured wave.

▲▼             。(圖/記者VOGUE攝)

And then there’s the makeup. Johansson’s effortless, polished skin provides the perfect foundation for bolder experimentation. A touch of rose-tinted blusher or a matte bronzer highlight her defined cheekbones, but Scarlett Johansson mainly focuses on eyes or lips – following the rule of accentuating either one or the other. Whether it's winged eyeliner with a statement red lip or a dark smokey eye with a nude gloss, Johansson has attracted a strong beauty following for her take on the latest trends.

▲▼             。(圖/記者VOGUE攝)

Vogue 將回顧史嘉蕾喬韓森一路以來的美妝時刻,從2003年獨立精神獎典禮的藍綠色系煙燻眼妝,到Met Gala紐約大都會藝術博物館慈善晚宴紅毯,搭配她一席Marchesa禮服的大膽洋紅眼影……一起來看個夠吧。(點此看圖片▶)
Vogue looks back at Scarlett Johansson’s best beauty moments – from that teal tinted smokey eye at the Independent Spirit Awards in 2003, to the bold magenta eyeshadow to match her Marchesa gown at 2018’s Met Gala…(Click here to see more images ▶)

※文字:Orla Pentelow | 編輯:Vav Lin | 圖片:Getty Images | 來源:CNI |

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是螢幕上的性感女神,也是堅強美麗的女強人 揮別兩段婚姻,Scarlett Johansson:「我正在學習如何與自己相處」




